


On 22 April 2020, we mobilized thousands of people to take part in our global digital protests. We asked each person to make 2 climate pledges for Earth Day - 1 individual, and 1 systemic.

Our campaign was a huge success. But we can't stop here. We want to take things one step further, and help you turn those pledges into real action. We are now focused on making changes through the pledges that we received. Through campaigns and educational content, Re-Earth Initiative will work towards a liveable and just future.

Our Mission: To make the climate movement accessible to all.

While youth are becoming more aware about social and environmental issues, there still remains a gap in driving real, concrete change. We want to break the echo chamber and bring climate action to the masses, by hosting informational webinars and writing toolkits.

We also recognize that not everyone is able to participate in protests (physical or digital), nor afford environmentally preferred products and foods. We therefore strive to provide a wide range of avenues for people to participate in the climate movement. 

Our Values: Inclusivity, accessibility, unity.

Even in our fight for environmental action, we must be wary of groups who dominate the conversations. We believe climate justice means uplifting the voices of those who have been historically marginalized, and frontline communities. We believe in an environmental movement that is accessible to all people and harbors cooperation.

*While we appreciate diverse perspectives, we will not condone any form of disrespect or hate.