Isabel Mejía Roberts
Translations Coordinator
Isabel Mejia-Roberts (she/her) is Translations Coordinator and REIcruitment Co-Coordinator at Re-Earth Initiative. At 19 years old, born in Washington, DC, USA, growing up in Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico and now living in DC again, she is studying Mechanical Engineering and minoring in French at Cornell University.
Besides being active at Re-Earth Initiative she plays Ultimate Frisbee on Cornell's Wild Roses, is part of the Cornell Mars Rover project team on campus, where she is currently working on redesigning their rover's suspension system, and is a research assistant at the Symbiotic Engineering Analysis lab, where she works on water quality analysis on the PEARL project. Further she is a research assistant at Space System Design Studios, where she is working on a payload that will deploy chip satellites into space.
«For me, being part of a team that works together towards the same goal is really important in large movements.»
I have always been very thoughtful and conscious about how our actions can negatively impact the climate and our planet. Even as a little kid I always cared for and looked out for Mother Earth. It wasn't until I started high school that I became more active in school strikes for social, environmental, racial, gender, and women's justice. Now in college, I have the opportunity to work on more "behind the scenes" work with Re-Earth Inititative while also staying active in my community.
For me, being part of a team that works together towards the same goal is really important in large movements like the climate movement. Together, we are able to push politicians and communities to reconsider and rethink how their choices and decisions impact the planet. Re-Earth Initiative embodies my personal morals through our mission, which is why I love working with this team!